However, heres what iv experienced/learnt from my time in Thailand so far; broken down into little bullet points. Much more apt for the Twitter generation i think!
- You cant expect to sit on a boat for 2 hours without sun cream and not get burnt.
- The bugs here are bigger. We were held out of our room for a good few minutes whilst we decided how to deal with the biggest moth we have ever seen. I swear it karate chopped the flipflop i threw at it and called me a pussy.
- The fire dancers here are amazing, especially compared to any iv seen in the uk (in particular the ones at Leeds Castle last fireworks night!!!)
- There are tattoo parlours everywhere, but the only people you see with lots of tattoos are westerners.
- You dont need a reason to let off fireworks
- Dogs dig holes in the sand to sit in and keep cool.
- Lady Boys sell delicious watermelons
- Quad bikes cant get up EVERY hill.
- Everyone loves sunsets. Even though they happen everyday. No one cares for the ones back home that you see from the M20 london bound.
- Every Thai person knows someone in England
- Watching girls box is much more brutal than guys Muay Thai
- Thai steps are much steeper. Seriously, every time you have to go upwards anywhere they may aswell ive you a ladder, itd be easier than climbing these steps in flipflops all the time.
- If you want to go to the beach in Koh Tao you have to go up a massive hill first, then down it again to get there. Maybe its so you appreciate getting in the sea at the other end more...?
- Americans are everywhere.....
- Every toilet has a bum shower...why dont we have that in the uk as standard huh?
- The clouds move quicker here
- Light somewhere with candles at night and westerners wont wanna leave there, ever
- Brain freeze is horrible. But cold fruit shakes are lovely
- Thai baked beans are bigger than UK baked beans, and they conscientiously serve them in little bowls with breakfast so you dont get unwanted 'bean soak' as they encroach on other breakfast items areas on the plate.
- Dont expect fast service in restaurants here, we're not the only ones chilling here
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